Eco-Friendly Products

Introduction of the eco-friendly products is need of the hour in order to maintain soil, texture and fertility for increasing crop yields towards food security. The City Compost, Organic fertilizers, Bio-fertilizer and Liquid fertilizer Manure are the complimentary products for reducing chemical fertilizers. Per Basket Approach, all the fertilizer manufacturers shall have to conduct intensive promotional programs under basket approach and emphasis the need in sustained manner to farmers for the application of 4/3 bag of organic fertilizer vs. 6/7 bag of chemical fertilizers. We, Khodal Agrotech Industries, has been marketing Organic Manure and Bio-fertilizer since three and seven years respectively and KAI is also manufacturing and marketing Meghdhan and KAKA fertilizer since 11 years in order to enrich the soil fertility and to enhance the productivity of food grains with quality in eco-friendly manner.

Balanced Fertilizer Application

The prevailing major concern is the indiscriminate use of fertilizers by farmers especially Urea, since it is the cheapest fertilizer available in the market for which the Government is paying heavy subsidy. Presently, the optimum usage of fertilizers per agriculture Department for NPK has been in the ratio of 4:2:1 but farmers are applying in the ratio of 8.2 : 2.7 : 1. The excess application of Urea is due to Governments low administered price. The balanced fertilizer application will be realized only if the Urea price is increased to the extent of full / partial decontrol as is done for Phosphatic and Pottassic fertilizers (NP/K). Alternatively, the extent of increase in Nutrient N can be reduced in P&K, so that farmers can apply enhanced quantity of NP / K products. This would pave way for balanced fertilizer application and consequent enhancement in food grains productivity with a thrust given to quality as paramount importance.